Tuesday, November 2, 2021

How Benedict Arnold Became American for Traitor

Podcast Transcript At the start of the American Revolution, a young American major general was one of the brightest stars of the war. He was responsible for several major campaigns and he had a great future ahead of him in his new country. By the end of the war, he was a British General fighting ...

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The Real Dracula: Vlad Dracula

Podcast Transcript Vampires have been been a part of folklore for centuries. Perhaps no mythical vampire is more famous than Count Dracula.  While Count Dracula might be fictional, believe it or not, he was based and named on a real person who lived in 15th century Romania. While he might not have been a vampire, ...

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How Casinos Work

Podcast Transcript Casinos are fascinating places. They can make tons of money, but they don’t really have a product. While it is often called entertainment, unlike other forms of entertainment, no one is entertaining you.  In fact, the entire business is really nothing more than applied mathematics. With the proper application of mathematics and a ...

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Ambergris: The Most Valuable Smelly Substance on Earth

Podcast Transcript One of the rarest and most expensive substances in the world is actually pretty disgusting. The way it is created is pretty gross, it looks pretty gross, and smells even worse.  Despite how disgusting it is, there are people who will pay as much for it on a per gram basis as gold, ...

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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Monarchies vs Republics

Podcast Transcript I’ve had many episodes where I talked about a country being a “republic”. In fact, we often use the word but many people have a mistaken idea about what exactly a republic is.  So what exactly is a republic, and how does it differ from a monarchy or other forms of government? What ...

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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The Louvre: The World’s Greatest Museum

Podcast Transcript Located in the heart of Paris, along the banks of the River Seine, lies the Louvre.  It has over 750,000 square feet of gallery space, over 615,000 items in its collection, and in a non-pandemic year, gets over 10 million annual visitors.  Yet, it wasn’t always a museum, and the way it acquired ...

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Monday, October 25, 2021

Wedding Traditions

Podcast Transcript Weddings are full of traditions. Almost every aspect of a traditional western wedding involves customs that may date back hundreds or thousands of years.   However, most people have no idea where these customs or traditions come from. They simply do them because that’s what you do when you have a wedding.  Learn more ...

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